Great post! Hope to see the effects of adopting simple habits for life!

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This was a profoundly thoughtful post Joel, and I appreciated your personal perspective and experiences. Thank you also for your generous mention!

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Thank you so much for those kind words, Ruth! I truly hope you are only one among many who find my words to be thoughtful. God bless!

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I restacked your post and have invited others to discover you - hopefully that will lead some readers here :)

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I saw that, and I thank you very kindly for it! I am glad to have my own words recommended by someone whose thoughts I so regularly and avidly read. I'm grateful for the work that you and Peco are both doing to help us all "unmachine" our minds.

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I enjoyed reading your thoughts here on a more intentional, thoughtful way of living. You’re not alone. The digitalization of seemingly every aspect of our lives is so disturbing to me.

(I also love the name of your substack; I actually wrote a piece with that exact title a few weeks ago that you might enjoy: https://shannonhood.substack.com/p/considering-the-lilies)

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I'm glad to know that that my thoughts served as a blessing to you, Shannon. Thank you for your comment!

I read your post and appreciated it as well. The Lord's words in Luke 12 (or Matthew 6) are a provocative challenge to me, and something I continue to work at carrying with me in my everyday. It's funny how, once you have made the effort to open your eyes and notice something, it seems to start leaping out at you everywhere.

Also, seeing your bio, I'll mention that I'm one of six children, all homeschooled by a very patient mother. Thank you for the hard work you do in the unseen moments, Shannon.

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'Something that I've noticed, and others have been talking and writing about more and more recently, is that convenience is a killer. It kills our perseverance, which could be argued to be the beginning of all virtue.' - So much wisdom contained in this observation.

It's really encouraging to see how many people are writing about the need for us to reclaim our humanity at the moment, I do think we're reaching a crisis point and we need as many intelligent and thoughtful voices as possible on the side of the human. Thank you for adding your voice to the conversation!

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Thank you for your appreciation! I agree, we need these things to be talked about, because it is a battle for the mind that we are engaged in, and I for one am not willing to surrender ground where I have a choice in the matter.

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This reminds me of a sci-fi short about aliens that provide a gift to humanity - a plate that will reproduce what you put on it, no power. We were given two of them. Put on one the other and make a new one. Soon we all had everything we needed. Fifty years later, they came back and easily took us over due to our inability to rise to the occasion

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That would certainly be an interesting tactic for an enemy to use. I can't say that I don't see any similarities in our present situation...

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Oh. Sorry. Didn’t put a thought bridge down. Your analogy of smartphones and how they make us less

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